Adam Weber

Describe yourself and your play style. I'm a generalist nerd who loves collaborative storytelling, playing to find out what happens, and being a huge fan of my players' characters. I've logged the most hours in high fantasy settings but also enjoy post-apocalypse, steampunk & sorcery, and sci-fi. My TTRPG adventure started with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, but I feel most at home playing or running narrative systems in the Powered by the Apocalypse and Forged in the Dark lineage. I also enjoy story games like Microscope and The Quiet Year.

Away from the table I'm a software engineer and enjoy surfing, traveling, baking, and long walks with my Australian Shepherd, Bandit.

Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. My favorite NPC to run was a villain in a D&D 5e campaign named Baron Reginald Beauclerc. I don't usually do much voice acting, but for Reginald I did an impression of Ren Highpearl, one of Brian Murphy's NPCs from NADDPOD, and the players fell in love with hating him. Reginald dripped with the pretentiousness and disdain – it was just so much fun to look down Reginald's long nose, knowing that in the end the players' characters would put him in his place. They did, and we all loved it.


Sean F. Smith