TTRPG Pickup Con Games Schedule

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Pickup Con Schedule

*All times listed in the US Central Time Zone.*




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Games At Future Cons

Filtering by: “Western”

“Return to Tarjeta Mesa” a West Marches (Roughly Connected) session in the Mavericks system. Led Ansel Burch.

“Return to Tarjeta Mesa” a West Marches (Roughly Connected) session in the Mavericks system. Led Ansel Burch.

Lots of places have a west and our world is no different. The people of the continent may have a peaceful coexistence but the people who society has no room for or who have no room for society.

This game will be great if you like historically inaccurate cowfolks, and weird western stories. Players should build beginning characters ahead.

This session will be especially good for new players.

This system was written by the game runner.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪

Exploration: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room 1 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

CW: Mild dismemberment

Ansel Burch’s Game Runner Profile-

Check out the game rules-

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“The Sidewinder” a Playtest session in the Mavericks (working title) system. Led by Ansel

“The Sidewinder” a Playtest session in the Mavericks (working title) system. Led by Ansel

“The Sidewinder” a Playtest session in the Mavericks (working title) system. Led by Ansel Word has it Scagtown Slim caught a bullet, leaving Tarjeta Mesa up for grabs. Fer' them what hain't aware, that's the tallest lookout in all the western territories. Naturally, everyone and their pappy wants a piece of it. Will you and your crew of spur-jangling horse enthusiasts make it there to stake your claim afore any other varmint with a bad attitude and a good head start? Well, that's between you and fate.

This game will be great if you like poorly researched Westerns, non-historical histories, and Westerns that probably aren't in the American West

Players should build Beginning characters ahead.

This session will be especially good for new players.

The game runner wrote this system.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room #1 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

CW: Violence

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“The Sidewinder” a Playtest session in the Mavericks (working title) system. Led by Ansel

“The Sidewinder” a Playtest session in the Mavericks (working title) system. Led by Ansel

“The Sidewinder” a Playtest session in the Mavericks (working title) system. Led by Ansel Word has it Scagtown Slim caught a bullet, leaving Tarjeta Mesa up for grabs. Fer' them what hain't aware, that's the tallest lookout in all the western territories. Naturally, everyone and their pappy wants a piece of it. Will you and your crew of spur-jangling horse enthusiasts make it there to stake your claim afore any other varmint with a bad attitude and a good head start? Well, that's between you and fate.

This game will be great if you like poorly researched Westerns, non-historical histories, and Westerns that probably aren't in the American West

Players should build Beginning characters ahead.

This session will be especially good for new players.

The game runner wrote this system.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room #1 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

CW: Violence

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Riders of the Cowpoke Nebula

Riders of the Cowpoke Nebula

There are few who can brave the great ink long enough to learn to rope stars and fewer yet with the mettle to live with the loneliness of the frontier of heaven. When a group of ropers finds themselves together, no one can tell if they’ll fight like hell or be thick as an oort cloud within the hour. Someone must think it’s worth the risk of a posse to rope a whole star nursery.

Mavericks is a game in which your character sheet is a deck of cards. As you play, the deck will change, your powers will enhance, and your story will become epic. Use this game for any genre for a story-first experience that prioritizes big-picture narrative over blow-by-blow mechanics.

This game will be great if you like poorly researched space Westerns, and non-historical histories

We will build characters in the session.

This session will be especially good for new players.

The game runner wrote this system.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room #1 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

CW: Violence

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“Silent Night, Hungry Night” a Standard One Shot in the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE). Led by David P.

“Silent Night, Hungry Night” a Standard One Shot in the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE). Led by David P.

David P’s Game Runner Profile

Check out the Game Rules-

Schedule Listing:

Warhorn Listing:

It's Christmas Eve and our posse's train has broken down, stranding them in a small frontier town for a few days. Sadly there is no Christmas cheer to be found, as a raiding party has apparently made off with all the town's provisions. Can our protagonists of questionable morality possibly rectify this situation?

This game will be great if you like westerns and/or Christmas horror-comedies.

The game runner will provide Novice characters.

New players are welcome. Players need to have played some RPGs.

The game runner has run this game a few times now.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room #2 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. The game runner will use Owlbear Rodeo for maps and visuals. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

CW: n/a (I hope)

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“Silent Night, Hungry Night” a Standard One Shot in the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE). Led by David P.

“Silent Night, Hungry Night” a Standard One Shot in the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE). Led by David P.

David P’s Game Runner Profile

Check out the Game Rules-

Schedule Listing:

Warhorn Listing:

It's Christmas Eve and our posse's train has broken down, stranding them in a small frontier town for a few days. Sadly there is no Christmas cheer to be found, as a raiding party has apparently made off with all the town's provisions. Can our protagonists of questionable morality possibly rectify this situation?

This game will be great if you like westerns and/or Christmas horror-comedies.

The game runner will provide Novice characters.

New players are welcome. Players need to have played some RPGs.

The game runner has run this game a few times now.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room #2 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. The game runner will use Owlbear Rodeo for maps and visuals. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

CW: n/a (I hope)

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“The Siege of Tsuin no Yama Mura” a Standard One Shot in the L5R 4th Edition system. Led by Raynor Frejrûn.

“The Siege of Tsuin no Yama Mura” a Standard One Shot in the L5R 4th Edition system. Led by Raynor Frejrûn.

The small village of Tsuin no Yama Mura (Twin Mountain Village) is a quiet village nestled between a pair of beautiful mountains. The nearby river makes Tsuin no Yama good for fishing and for growing rice and it also has a few buckwheat farms in the mountains. While resting their tired feet in town, a small group of samurai must put aside their differences and come together to protect the village from a bandit raid that threatens a major crop supplier of the empire.

This game will be great if you like Feudal Samurai Action, Drama and Magic!

The game runner will provide Rank 1 and 2 characters.

New players are welcome.

The game runner is very familiar with this system.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬

Spectators are welcome in the Discord room. This game will be hosted in room #1 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server

CW: Violence, Blood, Gore

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